5 Tips For Moving With Kids

Buying a new house at the Lake of the Ozarks impacts everyone in family, both immediate and extended. If you have young children, moving can be especially challenging; children tend to thrive in stable, consistent environments, and uprooting them can cause a lot of stress and turmoil in their lives. Arrowhead Title, Inc. is here to help you overcome some of these challenges.

Moving With Children

As parents of little ones involved in a move, you will probably want to make the process as easy and stress-free on your children as you can. Taking the time to listen to and plan ahead for their needs can make a world of difference. Here are a few tips to help simplify the process of moving with kids.

1. Let Them Be Involved In The Process
One of the reasons moving can be stressful for children is that they often feel helpless and completely uninvolved in the process. While you probably won't want to bring your children with you to every house you tour, it may be helpful to bring them along once you have narrowed your search down to one or two potential homes. If they can get excited about the new home ahead of time, the move may ultimately be easier.

2. Ask For Their Input When Decorating Their New Room
Setting up a new space can be exciting - why not let your little ones get to join in the fun? If you plan to repaint, narrow your choices down to two or three options and let them make the final decision. Ask them which pictures, drawings, and other decorations they would like to hang on their walls. Again, this type of involvement can get them excited about the process, which can help reduce stress.

3. Give Yourself Extra Time For Everything
Any parent of small children can attest to the fact that simple, everyday tasks tend to take three or four times longer when there are children involved - even if the little ones are supposed to be "helping." By being aware of this fact ahead of time, you can plan ahead to give yourself extra time for each task, from packing to organizing to decluttering. Having extra time built in will significantly reduce your (and in turn, your children's) stress levels.

4. Encourage Your Kids To Pack A "Treasure Box"
Before you pack away all of your kids' things, help them set aside a few of their most treasured belongings to keep with them on moving day. This treasure box can include anything their hearts desire (within reason, of course). Stuffed animals, journals, coloring books, and handheld games are great examples of things to include. The idea is to make sure your children have something to comfort them and keep them entertained on moving day.

5. Listen To Them
Above all else, take the time to listen to your children when they express their needs, fears, worries, or concerns. While it may not be possible to accommodate all of their requests, simply taking the time to truly listen to what they are saying will help them feel valued and important. Even if you ultimately must tell them that it has to be a different way, they will appreciate the time you took to listen.

Remember Arrowhead Title When Buying A House At The Lake!
If you are considering relocating to the Lake of the Ozarks, we hope you'll remember our title company in Lake Ozark MO when the time comes to purchase your new home. We have a great deal of experience in the area, and we would be honored to assist with your closing. Our title experts can help with everything from title insurance to escrow and everything in between. For more information about our title services at the Lake of the Ozarks, visit our website: www.ArrowheadTitle.com.

The Lake of the Ozarks' Most Trusted Title Company
Where Accuracy Matters!

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750 Bagnell Dam Blvd Suite B
Lake Ozark, MO 65049


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