Title Insurance - 5 Common Misconceptions
While arguably one of the most important forms of title insurance, title insurance is also quite possibly one of the least understood. Title insurance is designed to protect homeowners from financial loss (or worse - loss of their homes) due to complications with their titles. As your top resource for title insurance at the Lake of the Ozarks , the team at Arrowhead Title, Inc. is here to help dispel some of the most common misconceptions about title insurance. Misconception #1 Title Insurance Protects The Value Of The Home In fact, title insurance does not have any impact on your home's value. Title insurance does, however, protect your right to ownership of the home in the event that an issue arises with your title. Misconception #2 The Lender Requires Title Insurance, So I Don't Need To Purchase My Own. Your lender will almost definitely require a title insurance policy, but that does not mean that you should not purchase a policy for yourself as well. Your le