How TRID Redefined The Home Buying Process
For most people, buying a home goes hand-in-hand with taking out a mortgage loan; you can't have one without the other. As with most financial industries, the mortgage industry is heavily regulated to ensure consumer protection. Last year (on August 1, 2015), a federal regulation was introduced that significantly changed the mortgage loan application and approval process. Today, Arrowhead Title, Inc. is here to examine some of the effects of this new ruling. What is TRID? After the housing crash in 2008/2009, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was created to protect homebuyers from suffering another comparable financial crisis. The introduction of TRID was part of these efforts. Sometimes referred to as the TILA-RESPA Rule, "TRID" is an abbreviation for TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure. "TILA" stands for "Truth In Lending Act," and "RESPA" stands for "Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act." How Does TRID Im