What is the Difference Between an Easement and Property Encroachment?

Whenever you are in the process of looking for a home to buy at the Lake of the Ozarks , understanding and being aware of easements and encroachments can be important to knowing what property you are actually buying, and how you (and others) may be able to use it. Both easements and encroachments involve one person using land that does not technically belong to them. The simple difference between the two is whether permission is granted to do so. Either way, if you purchase a piece of property with an encroachment or easement, you may be limited in how you can use that property. Easement. Easement is a legal way that someone may use another person’s land, with permission. This is routinely seen with shared driveways, utility lines and infrastructure, shared paths or walkways, etc. It can even be done when it is discovered that a neighbor unknowingly built his deck or addition on your property IF BOTH PARTIES are agreeable to it. The easem...