
Showing posts from January, 2022

Easements and Encroachments - Why They Matter When You Are Buying a House

Easements and encroachments can make a huge difference when you’re making a decision about buying property at Lake of the Ozarks . Easements and encroachments both will impact how you will be able to use that property, and whether or not others will be able to use it as well. With easements and encroachments, there are two parties involved, both want access to or use of the land, but only one party legally owns the land. So what’s the difference between an easement and an encroachment? That is exactly what we will be answering in today’s blog! The biggest difference between an easement and an encroachment is whether or not the property owner is in agreement or gives permission for the other party to use the land. Here are the details. Easement Easement is when a property owner gives legal permission for someone else to use their land. Some of the more common examples include shared driveways, shared paths or walkways, utility lines, and even infrastructure like water lines and buried c

Building in 2022? Why You Need Title Insurance on a New Construction!

Building a new home at Lake of the Ozarks is SO exciting, and for most people, it is a dream come true. Is also a lot of work, with a lot of decisions to be made.  If it’s your first time, most likely there’s a bit of a learning curve too. As a trusted title company at Lake of the Ozarks , the title agents at Arrowhead Title know that when it’s your first time building a home, there are some important things that are easy to overlook. One of those is title insurance. Quite often, people don’t even think about title insurance on an empty lot or a new build. However, there are some very important reasons why you need title insurance on your property and new construction just as much as you do on any other house. If you’d like to know exactly why having title insurance before you start building is the best plan of action, just keep reading this blog. Proving property ownership One of the main reasons for having a title search done is to ensure that the person who is selling you the prop

Title Search, Title Report, and Title Commitment – Exactly What Are They and How Do They Work Together?

The title search, title report, and title commitment are three completely different things, but they work closely together, and each one is important in the process of your real estate transaction. As a trusted title company at the Lake of the Ozarks since 1984, we have noticed that people don’t always know what they are or how they differ. At Arrowhead Title , we are dedicated to communicating with and educating our clients so they understand the process. So, we decided to write a blog explaining these three important elements of your closing. If you are curious as to exactly how these three things differ, and how they work together when you come to the closing table, we invite you to keep reading this blog to learn the details! Title Search A title to real property is a document that proves who has ownership rights to that piece of land. The title search is a very deep and detailed search into any available public records to learn exactly who owns the property and is legally able to

What Your Title Company Does for Your Real Estate Closing

At Arrowhead Title we have handled a lot of real estate closings at Lake of the Ozarks since 1984. We know there’s a lot that goes into every closing, much of which happens behind the scenes. Often clients aren’t even aware of everything we do, and they don’t really have to think about it. They just know they trust us to bring them the right information and the right numbers and everyone gets what they are supposed to out of the transaction as agreed. At the same time, we know that education is key when working with our clients so they know exactly what to expect, and have confidence when they come to the closing table. So in this week's blog, we wanted to explain a little bit about what your title company at Lake of the Ozarks does for you at your real estate closing. If you’d like to know more, just keep reading. Title Search and Report Once there’s a signed contract between a buyer and a seller, the title company is ready to get to work. Right off the bat, a title search will