3 Scenarios When You NEED Title Insurance
We have talked in great detail about the many different types of hazard title insurance can protect against, but some of these concepts can be hard to integrate. You've heard that title insurance protects against unknown heirs and unauthorized signatures, for example, but do you know what that really means? This week, your trusted title company at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to help you understand how title insurance can protect you with these simple, concrete examples. Scenario #1: Purchasing A Home In An Invalid Sale A title search and title insurance can protect you from buying a home that the seller is not authorized to sell. Perhaps the supposed "sellers" aren't actually owners of the property, but renters who are looking for a way to (illegally) make some money. Or perhaps the seller purchased the home fifteen years ago with his spouse. Though they may have been divorced and out of contact for several years, if his ex-wife's name is on the deed...