Lake Area Christmas For Kids 2016
The Christmas season is a magical time of the year, filled with beautiful lights, enticing packages, amazement, and wonder. Children and adults look forward to Christmas all year long, filled with anticipation over what this year's festivities will bring. Sadly, there are millions of children all over the world who will not get to celebrate a wondrous Christmas. These less fortunate children (including thousands in the Lake Area alone) are lucky to simply have food to eat on any given day. For these children, the prospect of getting gifts for Christmas may not be much more than a far-off dream. That's why the Kiwanis Club of Lake Ozark and multiple businesses come together every year to host one of the biggest and best charity events of the year: Lake Area Christmas For Kids. As a proud supporter of this great event, Arrowhead Title, Inc. is here to fill you in on all the details for this year's festivities. Lake Area Christmas For Kids Lake Area Christmas For Ki...