Title Hazards and How You Can Protect Your Investment
There are several things people to do protect themselves as homeowners, such as thoroughly reviewing the inspection to identify potential issues and purchasing homeowners insurance to guard against the financial loss that may result from a fire or natural disaster. These two examples aren't the only pieces to the puzzle, however. This week, Arrowhead Title, Inc. is here to reexamine another important aspect of protecting your investment: Title Hazards. Examples Of Title Hazards If you are new to the world of real estate, you may be wondering what types of hazards could potentially threaten homeowners in such a way that would threaten the right to use the property. Here are a few examples of the various threats that title insurance can help guard against. A missing heir that was named in a previous owner's will, but whose location was unknown at the time of the sale. She could eventually surface and stake claim on the property. An unknown e...