What are Title Clouds and What Can Be Done About Them
When we conduct a real estate closing at the Lake of the Ozarks , our job is not just to oversee the handing over of the keys to the house. We are there to make sure the actual legal ownership of the property officially and completely transfers from the seller(s) to the buyer(s). If there is any question or limitation on the seller’s right to own the property, the buyer may not be get the full ownership they expect. Whenever there is a doubt or question as to the property’s ownership, it creates what is called a title cloud. If you would like to learn more about clouds and what can be done about them, keep reading! Clouds. A cloud on title is also known as a title defect. The title to your house is the document that proves the homeowner has the legal right to own the property. When there is a cloud on the title it indicates there is some question on who owns the home, whether they are free to use the property as they wish, or if there is some liabi...